The Prohibitions of Oral Sex

In the Ahaadith,the following narration appears:'Verily, your mouths are pathways of the Qurãn, therefore purify your mouths with Miswaak'.The Makhaarij or places from whence Qurãnic huroof(letters) emanate are located in the mouth.The high Ibaadat of Tilaawat of the Qurãn shareef is effected via the mouth,hence the Hadith describes the mouth as the 'pathway of the Qurãn'.Since it is,literally speaking, the channel for the recitation of the Qurãn shareef, Rasulullah (saws) emphasised much the maintainance of its purity. The
emphasis on the purity of the mouth could be gauged from the many times Rasulullah (saws)would use the Miswaak everyday to clean his mouth. The practice of Miswaak is strongly stressed by the Shariáh.
In one Hadith, Rasulullah (saws)said, 'When the servant of Allah uses the Miswaak and then performs Salaat,an angel stands behind him, listening attentively to the recitation of the Qurãn.The angels draws closer and closer to the reciter and places his mouth on the mouth of the reciter.Thus every word emanating from the mouth of the Musalli enters the angel's mouth.Therefore, maintain your mouth pure and clean for the Qurãn.'
ZIKRULLAH-The actual purpose underlying the creation of man is Zikrullah or the remembrance of Allah Taãla. Rasulullah (saws) ordered Muslims to maintain their tongues fresh with the Zikr of Allah Taãla.The facts mentioned above will indicate that Insaan is Ashraful Makhlukaat (the noblest of creation) and the noblest part of his body is his head which is the location for lofty faculties and attributes which earn for him the designation of 'the form of Allah'. In order that he maintains his lofty rank and progresses continuously towards loftier mansions and closer Divine Proximity, it is essential that man exercises restraint over his physical and animal qualities. If he fails in this respect, he will descend to a level below the lowly beasts.Allah Taãla has endowed man with intelligence, will-power and shame. He must employ these attributes to subdue his animal and carnal desires and refrain from indulgence
in the excesses of lust. If he fails in this achievement he will annihilate himself spiritually and degenerate to sub-animal levels.The sublimity of Islam is of such a lofty degree that it
exhorts its adherence to adopt dignity, deportment and propriety in even sexual relationship. Rasulullah (saws) advised his Ummah to abstain from total nudity when indulging in sex and not to behave 'like asses'. Since Islam is a culture of transcendental values calculated to ensure maximum remembrance of Allah Taãla, a Muslim should not debase himself to a sub-animal level by resorting to the vile practice of oral sex.The mouth of Insaan is the pathway of the Qurãn, his tongue has been commanded to remain fresh with Zikrullah; his mouth is situated in the noblest part of his body; the functions of his mouth are noble and lofty; his mouth is a passageway for transference of the recited Qurãn into the mouth of the listening angel. He cannot, therefore, debase and dishonour himself so disgracefully by resorting to the revolting practice of oral sex. A Muslim should not dishonour that head and face which the Shariáh of Islam commands to be honoured. Allah Taãla honoured the human head with noble qualities, the highest being the Noor of Aql, but man debases that lofty part of his body by indulging in an act of bestiality not even committed by the lowly beasts. It does not behove man in general, and a Muslim in particular to degrade himself in this manner.The Mu'min's link with Allah Taãla is so strong or ought to be so strong that the Shariáh has prescribed a particular Duá to be recited even when a man approaches his wife for sexual
relations. Even at the moment of reaching climax and ejaculation, the Muslim is required to read in his mind (without moving the lips) a special Duá so that he remains protected from any Shaitaani interference. We learn from the Hadith of Rasulullah (saws) that Shaytaan attempts to interfere with man even while he indulges in lawful sex, hence the wording of the special Duá for this occasion is: 'O Allah! Protect us from Shaytaan and protect the offspring you grant us from Shaytaan'.Allah Taãla has honoured man highly, hence the Qurãn says, 'Verily, we have honoured the sons of Aadam.' He is therefore not allowed to debase himself with the bestial acts which even the lowly beasts do not commit.The mouth is an honoured part of the physical body.It is not a receptacle of impurity.